The Township is happy to announce the addition of a new Paper Retriever recycling bin located in Wentz Run Park. The Township and Police Department teamed to help bring this valuable service to the community in an effort to help residents recycle and declutter their homes since work or school recycle options may not be available due to COVID. Click here to see the location of the recycling bin Serviced by United States Recycling, Inc., paper materials are brought back to their facility and used to make 100% made in the USA products. The material is processed in their mill and made into products such as puzzle board, game boards, tablets, rigid boxes, etc. Newspaper, magazines, office paper, school paper, mail, catalogs and books are accepted. Cardboard boxes are not accepted. Please follow the guidelines. This recycle bin is NOT intended for document destruction that contains sensitive personal information. Click here for more information on Montgomery County shredding events and other recycling options.
Posted on: April 16, 2021